Panorama of the Furness Peninsula from Fleetwood


Welcome to the Furness Branch of The Campaign for Real Ale

Real Cider Producers CAMRA has a definition of what is real cider (you can find this and more information on the main CAMRA website - the link is at the bottom of our Cider and Perry Page) but as a helper, this is what we have as a list as of February 2025. Have a look and see if the cider in your pub conforms to the definition Real Cider Producers Feb 2025.
Newsflashes Photo of The Swan Inn, Ulverston - Furness Branch PoTY 2025 2025 Branch Pub of the Year is The Swan Inn, Ulverston. This is the second year that they have been awarded this so well done Sarah and Lewis!
InnQuirer Newsletter A Branch Newsletter is now being produced on a regular(ish) basis with snippets of news. It is not being emailed out but can be viewed/downloaded directly from our InnQuirer web page.
Note: this on a separate website but run officially by our Webmaster
Logan Beck Success At CBoB Alex Douglas (Logan Beck Brewery) receives the certificate for CAMRA's Champion Beer of Britain (Session Bitter) for their  Proper from Stephen Walker Brilliant news for Alex Douglas, Logan Beck Brewery, who have just picked up the Gold award at CAMRA's Champion Beer of Britain (Session Bitter) for Proper - a 4.0% abv English Bitter. Alex is producing some great beers and it is good that he is getting national recognition for his efforts.
More Awards for our local brewers Cumbrian Ales have won two awards at the SIBA Beer Awards 2024, in the regional bottle/can competition.
  • Vanilla Oatmeal Stout won GOLD in the Stout & Porter category
  • Loweswater Gold won SILVER in the Session Pale Ale category
Branch Trips and Outings Furness CAMRA members braved the rail trip and a minibus to visit a number of venues in Chorley on 8th March to sample some excellent ales. The trip included a number of Brewery Taps including Rivington, Black Edge, Bank Top, Ben's Brewery and Escape Brewery so a good time was had by all! Pictures from our Trips (not all of them!) are on the: Trips and Tours page.
Branch Presentations Combination Images of Presentations (small) See the latest presentations for CAMRA awards for Furness pubs and breweries on the Presentations page.
IMPORTANT - Handpump Hijack CAMRA has launched a campaign to raise awareness of Carlsberg Marston’s Brewing Company’s (CMBC) Fresh Ale concept, which sells keg versions of three of its cask beers through handpumps – long associated with real ales.

We need all members to get involved in helping CAMRA with the campaign to identify pubs where this 'Fresh' ale fake handpump is used as it has a major impact on whether that pub can be considered for inclusion in the next Good Beer Guide, or even remain in the current Guide. 'Misleading Dispense' is one of the areas that CAMRA takes very seriously.

To read more about this, visit CAMRA's dedicated page here: .

Pub Surveys Before inclusion in the Good Beer Guide, pubs need to be surveyed to make sure that the information that we have is up-to-date. It is an important task and we need all of our active members to get involved if they can.
To make this task a little simpler, we have created a PDF form for you to fill out when you are checking the pub out. It needn't be a complex task as all we need to do is find out if anything has changed. If you have the latest version of the GBG to hand, you can see what we have currently on record for all pubs so you probably only need to make some updates and even if nothing has changed, you can send in a form or just let us know nothing has changed so we know that the pub has been surveyed! You can download this form and a copy from the front page of the GBG with helpful instructions on what information we need.
To download the form, here is the link: Pubs Survey Form